health professionals short guides

Guides for disorders

Browse through our guides for health professionals, on common mental health disorders in children and adolescents, and the factors associated with them, their diagnosis, and treatment.

Guides for disorders
MH Professionals training


Our trainings for health professionals combine online resources in both synchronous and asynchronous formats as well as in-person. They combine scientific principles with the needs of the local community.

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Guides for disorders for health professionals

The following guides are designed with health professionals in mind, to be used in clinical practice with parents or caregivers of children and adolescents diagnosed with a mental disorder. They provide basic information about common disorders, possible causes, available treatment, and information about the appropriate professionals who can help in each specific case.

Training for health professionals

Browse CAMHI's Asynchronous and Synchronous Training training programs for child psychiatrists and psychologists or other medical specialties in the public sector. Stay tuned to learn about opportunities to participate and join our community.

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